Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s):
Welcome to a new school year and to the 4CP learning community! I hope that this year will be a successful and happy one for your child, and for you as a hardworking parent.
The purpose of this package is to give you an overview of class expectations and an insight into the subject areas planned to be taught throughout the year (subject to change). After reading this package and going over it with your child, if you find that you have further questions please feel free to contact me to discuss these matters.
General Expectations
Because the students have iPads this year, we have decided against giving them a diary. Instead, we will be using an App or the Google Calendar (yet to be decided). Students will use the determined App to record homework, due dates, important school dates, and reminders. Please stay up to date with your child to ensure you don't miss out on important dates and reminders.
Returning Money & Notices
Please return money/notices due in an envelope with your child’s name on the outside of it (please do not staple or tape cheques to forms).
Classroom Behaviour and Conduct
The students have been working hard over the last few weeks to establish a positive and co-operative learning environment that is respectful to all. We have established our Classroom Agreement together and will be working as a ‘community’ to maintain the school values. The values we will be continually focusing on are: Resilience, Honesty, Empathy, Respect, Friendliness and Motivation.
Absenteeism and Tardiness
Students are expected to be punctual at all times. I will be promptly taking attendance at 9:05am – 5mins after the 9:00am bell. It is fundamental that if your child is going to be absent, that you call the school prior to this time. Students who are absent have a ‘class buddy’ who will collect notices and assignments, and place them inside your child's mailbox. If you need to collect your child early, please sign him or her out at the office, take an Early Leaver pass, and come to our classroom to collect your child and drop off the Early Leaver Pass.
Please do not send your child to school when they are feeling unwell. If your child shows any signs of an illness they will be sent home (this includes: temperatures, runny noses, coughs, changes to their normal speaking voice, fatigue, continuous headaches, stomach aches…). Viruses are more infectious the day before your child may show more visible physical symptoms.
Please do not worry that your child will miss excess work when he/she’s away. I will ‘filter’ the work that he/she has to do and give him/her plenty of time and assistance to complete missed assignments.
Assignments are marked based on a criterion that will be discussedwith your child. All assignments are to be completed neatly and punctually within the time frame given. If any students fail to use their class time wisely, they may be asked to take work home to complete in order to avoid falling behind.
Homework will be given fortnightly; it will go home on Monday and is due back the following Wednesday. The homework will include elements of reading, writing, maths and problem solving, and will often focus on our topics of study. Students are expected to read for a minimum of 15 minutes each night. If they are unable to do this, please ensure they make up the missed reading days on another day.
Occasionally, circumstances may arise that prevents your child from doing his/her homework. Please write me a note in your child’s planner when this occurs. Also, if your child is struggling with any assigned work; and you are unable to help him/her, please tell your child to just leave it. Again, write me a note in his/her planner and I will help your child complete his/her work in class.
If you have any further comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to come into the classroom to speak with me, or send me an email. I would be happy to arrange a meeting with you at any point throughout the year. Thank you for all your positive feedback and enthusiasm thus far; I have enjoyed meeting all of you and look forward to a successful 2014 school year with your children!
Christine Pogue
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